Tuesday, August 26, 2014

My Adoption Day!

Yesterday was my four year Adoption Day! Rena was going to help me blog about it last night, but we both fell asleep. I guess that's more important. Anyway, it's amazing to think I've been part of this family for FOUR years already! Above is how I look today, and below is a picture of me on my first day here. I was really scared, so I hid under a chair for awhile.

I even got a present for my Adoption Day! Rena brought me back a new toy when she and Rick drove Nicole back to college in Billings this weekned. It's a turtle, but I call it Turdy.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

I got a new toy!

It's called Owly Cat and it's filled with catnip. Rena picked it out because it's hairy and feathery. I love those things. It's almost as cool as Ugly Bird, my other favorite toy. Who knows. Maybe Owly Cat and Ugly Bird can get married sometime. She got it at Walmart for $2.97. Check it out ...